Episode 111
111: Dr. John Morrow
March 18th, 2024
55 mins 33 secs
Season 9
About this Episode
In this episode, John Pinna interviews Dr. John Andrew Morrow, a Muslim academic and author. Dr. Morrow shares his spiritual journey starting from a young age, studying various religious scriptures and ultimately embracing Islam after being deeply moved by the Quran. He highlights the pivotal role of the Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the monks of Mount Sinai in shaping his understanding of Islam. The conversation delves into Dr. Morrow's research on the covenants of the Prophet, which involved tracking down manuscripts from various sources and collaborating with other scholars. These covenants, recognized by various Islamic dynasties throughout history, emphasize the protection and rights granted to Christian communities under Muslim rule. The discussion also touches upon the historical context of early Islamic conquests, the coexistence of Muslim and Christian communities, and the importance of archeological evidence in understanding the spread of Islam.
The Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of the World:
John Andrew Morrow's Website: